Self Acceptance: An exercise.

Hi there all,

It is time for something different this week- I know many of you have followed me through my journey and a recent part of that journey has been hiring a life coach! She is really amazing and a very insightful lady- also named Julie- who is also in recovery from an eating disorder...we have so many things in common! It was like the universe opened up and said "you two should meet".

One of the biggest things we are working on is the idea of self acceptance. The dictionary definition is: the act or state of accepting oneself the act or state of understanding and recognizing one's own abilities and limitations. 

This week as we were talking about self acceptance or self love she hit me with this huge emotional bomb: 

The Biggest Fear About Self Acceptance Is That You Will Never Improve.

Wow. This whole sentence knocked my socks off! Up until now I have lived with the idea that if you don't love yourself you can't get better- without being upset about your perceived failure- without recognizing that you are not perfect and in some ways hating that fact- how can you motivate yourself to be better, to do better?  

I honestly have been a bit puzzled by this one and as a result my homework from her this week is to list 10-20 things I do on a regular basis (every day things like showering, going to the gym, reading my emails, etc) and ask one question: If I had total self acceptance, how would it change this thing I do?

So this week- I will be taking 5 things per day and blogging my responses here. So- follow along for something a bit different!

Talk to you all soon!



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