Resolutions....Good or Bad?

Another year is rounding the corner and I have so many people posting their New Year's Resolutions on their social media accounts. So many people take this time of year to re-commit to their fitness and healthy routines and the gyms are always swamped with people trying to get rid of those holiday pounds.

The more and more you dig around on social media the more and more you might be seeing posts talking how the benefits or the pitfalls of making New Year's Resolutions. Some people find them motivating and starting the new year with good intentions tend to help people finally find a starting point in the never ending cycles of life. It used to be a given that everyone made their own resolutions: give up smoking, eat better, exercise, etc but the newest trend seems to be that resolutions are "bad for you". Of course I don't mean that making decisions to better yourself are bad things- however there does seem to be a camp that feels as though making resolutions should happen all year long or that by reserving this time of year for making major changes in life you are stunting your potential to strive for something every single day.

Personally I see nothing wrong with taking the New Year to re-dedicate yourself to your goals- remind yourself of what you accomplished this year and what you didn't. Take this time to really take stock of how you could have pushed yourself more and all the things that you are grateful to have had in 2019. The only way that I could see making resolutions go "wrong" would be if you used the unaccomplished goals as a way to put yourself down. We all have goals that we sometimes don't reach- don't think they are unattainable but look at them as a continued opportunity to grow and improve.

I myself didn't feel a huge sense of accomplishment this year- it has been rough with many ups and downs, health issues, and big life changes. But I was recently reminded at my doctors appointment this morning that I have maintained my weight loss for an entire year- for the first time in my life. EVER. For someone struggling with an eating disorder this is a HUGE accomplishment that I almost didn't even notice.

For 2020 here are a few things I would like to see for myself in 2020:

1. Inspire someone else on their journey to health and fitness

2. Reach my original goal of 145lbs.

3. Regularly attend therapy (unlike this year)

4. Continue this blog on the regular

5. Learn to tell the difference between pushing myself and bullying myself

What are your #goals in 2020?


  1. I'm so happy to see you writing again! I had to let my Norse membership go back in July due to back and money issues. I really let that eat at me. Since then I have started going to regular therapy and joined Planet Fitness. My goal is to be out of some debt by the end of 2020 so I can afford to go back to Norse. I'm also trying to do more paying dance performances this year while stepping away from teaching.
    I look forward to reading you post. Here's to a happy and healthy 2020!

    1. Hey there!

      It feels so good to be back! I think this year we are going to rock it- I know the $ thing can be a HUGE issue and personally I am back at Planet Fitness too- just because of the money. I think it gets a poor reputation as not being a "serious gym". I find that hilarious. I'm glad to see you have set yourself some great goals for the year!


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