Self Acceptance Exercise: Part 2

Hi there all! No real need to explain what is going on in this post- if you want to know more or follow along please feel free to go back and read my earlier posts that are titled and tagged with "self acceptance".

Here is the next set of daily activities-

6. Get 10,000 steps or more per day : This is something I have been trying to do every single day for the last year or so. I got a Fitbit for my birthday and have been actively working to get 10k or more steps every single day....which sounds kinda exhausting. More often than not I reach or exceed my goal- but the days that I don't I tend to beat myself up. Using self acceptance, I guess I would feel more compassionate to myself and really be able to give myself a break if I didn't reach 10k steps per day.
Thought it would be fun to show you a YEAR of steps!

7. Track My Food: This is a hard one- I am not super consistent with tracking my intake, sometimes I forget whole days, sometimes I forget snacks or to add meals....most often what I do is track until dinner time and then guestimate my dinner. Sometimes it is a good thing to be aware of what you are putting into your body, but it can also be obsessive and unhealthy as well. I struggle to find the balance between the two and because I have an eating disorder my need to track and my need to feel "recovered" from my disorder often clash with one another. So either I feel bad for tracking every thing or I feel bad for not tracking everything....I'm guessing self acceptance would require me to battle both feelings and find a balance between understanding that tracking is ok as long as it isn't all consuming and understanding that there are days and times where not tracking is ok too.

8. Social Media: I usually use FB and Instagram every single day, oh and YouTube too! These can be great tools to help you interact with people and learn new things, grow, and inspire yourself to do better. It can also be used to hurt yourself, knock yourself down, belittle your own progress and to lie to yourself. I think if more people, and myself, practiced self acceptance we would be less likely to compare ourselves and our progress with other people we see on the internet. We would be able to discern for ourselves what the right and wrong ways of getting healthy are.

9. Go To Work: Now this is something I don't do "every" day but I do have a full time job. I get up, Monday through Friday and I go to work and I try my best. It doesn't always go well (everyone makes mistakes now and then) and there are days where I would love nothing more than to lay in bed or stay home and work on passion projects- but alas I can't do that. Mostly though, I enjoy my work and the people in it. I tend to have a very performance based view of my self- tying my self worth into the good things I do and my day to day in general I am a happy person. However, that means when things don't go my way or I make a mistake I get severely upset (like throw up in the trash can in my office, upset). If I had more self acceptance I would be able to calm myself in those moments and re assure myself that one misdeed does not discount all the right things I did that day.

10. Talk to Myself: Now now don't go getting out the straight jacket just yet....everyone talks to themselves right? In your own head you tell yourself things every single talk through your actions, you read in your own head, you ask yourself "why did I come into this room?", etc. One thing I know I do every single day is talk to myself- sometimes I am motivating myself, sometimes I am comforting myself, sometimes I am belittling and hurting my own feelings. Sometimes I tell myself wonderful things like "you are a total badass" "you lookin good today girl" "you got this", sometimes I tell myself horrible things "you are fat" "no one really likes you" "you are a joke".....feel familiar? If practicing self acceptance means keeping the good talk and getting rid of the bad talk, then I'm in.

So tell me, how is your list going?


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