Self Acceptance Exercise- Part 1

Welcome back to the self acceptance exercise series- part 1. This is going to be a series of posts, follow along if you want, where I write down 10-20 activities that I already do every day and how they would be different if I was already 100 percent self accepting ( or already practicing radical self acceptance).

This is the first installment of this exercise- to make it easier I am going to split the 20 things into 4 sections of 5.

1. Sleep- I obviously already sleep every single day, some nights better than others, some more than others...there are even times when naps are a thing (though I dislike them). I think if I was practicing radical self acceptance already I might not look at sleep during the night time as anything different. I enjoy my nightly routine before bed and I usually make sure I get enough sleep- though I do dislike napping during the day (on the weekends of course) because it feels like I am wasting my free time. I always feel like I could be using my free time in a more productive manner- rather than laying in the bed doing nothing...but if I chose to look at it as giving my body the rest it needs and being able to properly care for it, it might not be so bad.

2. Go to the Gym/ Exercise- This is a big one for me, most of you if you are reading this know my journey of losing over 100 lbs and getting fit and in shape...if you don't please go and read those posts here in my archive. Exercise was a HUGE part of that change in my life. It also helps quell that nagging eating disorder voice in my head, helps me sleep better, helps me get stronger, helps me control my anxiety and frustrations and anger. I really do enjoy working out now- I try to keep a positive outlook on my time in the gym- I try to not look at it as punishment for what I have eaten. If I was using radical self acceptance though I do know some things in the gym might change- like my constant need to look at myself while working out (aside from looking at my form for potential flaws). Sometimes looking in the mirror at the gym is part of the whole process, but for me especially, it is usually distracting and out of feeling self conscious. I wonder how much more I could get done- or how much harder I could push if I didn't constantly have to "check in" in the mirror.

3. Morning Routine/Getting ready- After my gym time  (I seem to be moving chronologically here) I usually end up getting ready for my work day which includes: shower/grooming, make up and hair, clothes, snack time, prepping lunch if it isn't already done. This routine varies slightly from day to day but overall the parts all tend to happen at some point. If I were practicing self acceptance perhaps some of this routine wouldn't be as time consuming (i am looking at you hair, make up, clothing) or perhaps it would simply take less time because I already know that whatever I do or pick would look great? I don't really know about this one.

4. Drive to Work- My drive to work isn't all that bad- I don't honestly care much about traffic at this point in my life, I will get there when I get there- you can't control it. I usually listen to music or the radio (though I hate talk shows). It might be nice to listen to more podcasts or YouTube channels that I like- there are some great people to follow...My music choices especially in the morning or during my workouts tend to be loud, somewhat angry, aggressive or in your face kinds of music- if only because I find them so motivating when I am pushing myself. Perhaps a way to calm down and relax on my drive in would be to play things that are softer or more uplifting in tone so that when I get to work I have already switched modes in my head. Thoughts? (edit added after: perhaps the real accepting thing to do would be to just acknowledge the fact that I tend to have an aggressive or out going and confident personality and not worry about softening myself for other people?)

5. Write a To-Do List- Every single day I write out a to do list. It helps me remember all the things I need to get done that day and it gives me a sense of calm assurance that I have a plan for the day. Not that I need a plan for everything but I dislike missing something important because I didn't write it down. There are days when that list is short, long, somewhere in the middle. Most of the time that whole list gets crossed off- however- like anyone there are days when that list doesn't get finished for a variety of reasons. I hate having to come in the next day and write out my new list and still have to hold onto my old one as well or transfer my lists into one master list. Perhaps it wouldn't bother me so much if I reminded myself, using self acceptance, that I am only human and there are times where I will not get everything done in one day (for many different reasons). I would probably feel alot less pressure and stress if I did that. I also would probably ask for help with tasks more, if I felt like I could.

So there you have it- the first five things out of 20! Remember your list doesn't have to look or sound like mine, make your lists any way you want to- bullet points, typed or hand written, doodles or pictures! It is totally up to you!

See you next time!


  1. This is very interesting. I look forward to seeing the rest of your list. I might have to give this a try.


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