Keto Challenge and getting refocused!

Hi there all!

So...if you read this blog at all you know that I have lost over 100 lbs. (I stopped weighing myself at some point when I was my heaviest) and I have kept that weight off for almost two years at this point. I have had alot going on with my weight,  my lifestyle, and all the other stuff which has piled on top of me. I am currently sitting around 155 lbs with these current measurements...

Bust: 39 to 39.5 inches
Waist: 29.5 to 30.0 inches
Hips: 40 to 42 inches

Something my boyfriend wanted to try and something I have been thinking about trying for awhile is the Ketogenic diet, or Keto for short. The basics of this diet are low carb (50 or less grams per day) moderate protein, and moderate to high fat split per day. I was curious about Keto, and my sister has loved it, and decided to do some research. There haven't, in my opinion, been alot of serious scientific studies about the effectiveness of the Keto diet over other caloric deficit diets but it does have a lot of anecdotal evidence (based on people's personal experience not evaluated in a study).

One of the main reasons I had put off trying the Keto diet has been what many people have called the Keto Flu- an adjustment period where your body suffers low energy and feels like you have the aches associated with the flu. To counter act that problem I decided to take a week and ween myself off of high or moderate carb intake....every single day last week I ate less and less carbs per day while still maintaining my same workout routines.

Anyone interested in learning more about Keto and trying it with me for 30 days can comment below and I will do this with you!!! I will also be posting regular check ins and daily macro counts just keep myself accountable. You can get more up-to-date information on my Instagram account @powerhousebarbie.


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