A New Approach to Health

This is something I have been thinking about for some time. Health in our culture has become synonymous with "thinness" and the hashtag of #selfcare- meaning buying bath-bombs and face masks for yourself. I'm not saying those things are not important or helpful, but that those things don't really connect with the real meaning of the word Health.

True health, meaning a sense of overall wellness, has a variety of meanings. I have, like so many people, been focused only on the physical and mental parts of my weight-loss journey. I have narrowed my focus into just one aspect of overall wellness; and to be honest it is where I needed to start. Now that I am out of therapy (yay!) and have maintained my goal weight for more than six months (double yay) it is time for me to re-examine my view on my overall wellness and well being.

How exactly am I doing that? So glad you asked! There are a few steps to this process:

1. Maintain my weight and healthy active lifestyle.

-This is perhaps the hardest. When you are working your ass off and spreading yourself thin sometimes you don't focus as much on what you are eating, how much you are eating, how many beers you had (cause you feel stressed or that you deserve it). You are too tired to really push yourself in the gym, you are too tired to walk the stairs so you settle for the elevator. I am SO guilty of this one...I got burnt out and busy and have for last 3 or 4 months decided to not watch my eating and not push myself at the gym...and it shows. It shows in how my body looks and feels. But I am back, newly motivated, and ready to commit to a certain lifestyle.

2. Buckle down and really work on my personal finances.

-This is probably the largest change and place for growth. I am sick and tired of not having enough, of not feeling secure. I have started a budget binder- something I suggest you ALL do. I have begun educating myself on personal finance and how all this works. I am listening to podcasts and reading blogs, I am growing!

3. Manifest positive growth in my career.

-VALUE VALUE VALUE- that is what gets you ahead. You have to be able to provide value to yourself and your company every single day. Honestly, no matter what kind of value you might be adding (interpersonal relationships,  specific tasks, learning new techniques), you will never feel like you are pursuing your purpose if you are not adding value- seeing the value- and appreciating the value you are bringing to your career.

4. Help others start/support other people in their wellness journeys.

-If you do something great, if you learn something, if you create something and you don't share it, what kind of person are you? Not the kind I want to be. I want to be able to reach all of you, to help you,  to share my story and my struggle so that you know someone else has gone through the same things and come out a better person. It is possible!

Know that this is the tip of iceberg. Want to speak to me about your struggles? Have questions? I am here to listen. Comment or send me a message and let's chat about your Health and Wellness plan!


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