Celebrating the Great Days!

"I don't know how you do it....you're a bad-ass!"

You know what? You are right. I am a bad-ass- sometimes life disrupts your carefully laid plans to be in bed early and get up before the sun to head to the gym. But guess what? You get up anyway and you make it to the gym on time and you have a really great day.

It is so important, especially in this journey, to celebrate and enjoy the good days in the gym. The days where everything seems to go right. So what went right today? My stretching routine which I start with and my warm up both went well. Usually I feel a bit rushed to get to everything in the time I have allotted. Today however, I took my time and relished in my activation routine. I then hit the treadmill for a quick 15 min. warm up. After that I did some shoulder targeting lifting including over head press, static barbell rows, rear delt flys, a few others. I then polished that off with another round of cardio (30 mins) on the arc trainer.

One of my favorite things is when I make eye contact with someone else on the machines next to me and I smile- at 6 am on a Monday morning- sweating and busting my ass- and I SMILE AT PEOPLE...I usually get a half hearted smile back. And yes, I am one of those people who get an endorphin release from exercising. Lucky me!

Happy Monday Everyone!


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