Questions and Answers #1

Hi there all! I recently put out there that I was looking for topics for my blog and I got some great questions/topics...IDK if I could write an entire blog post about them so I'm going to lump them all up into one Q and A post. If it goes well this might be something that I do from now on.

1. What is in my gym bag?

Well I think to start off with...I don't really use a whole lot of special things. Mostly my gym bag ends up with things everyone needs: deodorant, clothes for the day, toothbrush and toothpaste, makeup, etc. I don't really use anything special- I do have boxing gloves from Ever-last in my bag right now. I also use a belt when doing any really heavy lifting- it is a Scheik- you can find it here:

2. Do you write your own programming?

Yep! So right now I am working on split days. Upper body is one day, then lower body...and I rotate out what heavy movements I am doing. A sample upper body day would be: stretching and activation work, bench press or over head press, accessory circuit, then 30 mins cardio. A sample lower body day is almost the same but sub bench press for squats or deadlifts. I am thinking about switching over to a guided program when I start bulk phase.

3.  What kind of effects has your weight loss had on your skin?

This is a question I get asked alot. So, yes I definitely have loose skin in certain areas of my body. Mostly the areas that have changed the most- arms, chest, stomach. I am not brave enough to take pictures of it yet- it kinda still bothers me. I know that skin is a living thing and it will shrink over time. There are so many factors about loose skin and how much or little you might end up with- age is probably one of the biggest. Young skin has more elasticity and can bounce back from things alot easier than older skin. Genetics- you might pre-disposed to having more loose skin or less, you might even genetically be able to handle loose skin better than someone else. Hydration- this is key! Happy and healthy skin is skin that is kept hydrated on the inside and the outside. I can always tell when I haven't been drinking enough because the skin on my face looks and feels different.

If you want to check out some people who have loose skin from weight loss I recommend the following:
Obese to Beast:

4. What supplements are you taking?

Supplements can be a great addition to any workout/ healthy living lifestyle that you choose. They are not magic fixes to help you out cheat a bad diet. I'm currently not really taking anything that I consider a supplement, however, I do use caffeine as a pre-workout booster and I drink one packet of EmergenC every day to help keep my immune system healthy. Other than the occasional smoothie (ok more the occasional) that has protein powder in it- I'm doing all on my own.

Ok- I had some more questions but they were not really health/lifting/weight related so I am going to save those for another time! Let me know if you have any more questions or want to discuss any of these topics! As always- these are my opinions and not facts. If you are concerned about your health, diet, weight loss, or anything else please contact your doctor!



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