Insta-Request- My Meal Prep Plan

So during my last #ThoughtProvokingThursday I got a request to talk about my meal prep routine. Meal prepping has been one of the best things I have ever done to help me meet my weight loss goals. I know it can seem intimidating but honestly meal prepping is so flexible that you can make it as complicated or as simple as it needs to be.

I usually take Sundays to meal prep for the week but since my weekends are currently occupied with performing at the Carolina Renaissance Festival, so this was all done on Friday afternoon. My prep usually ebbs and flows with my tastes and what I seem to be wanting. Sometimes it is the same thing week and after week and sometimes I like to switch it up. The point is- you are in control of your prep so make things you like and will eat.

Seriously people, get a good food scale. I got mine on Amazon!
Tip #1 I usually give to people who want to start prepping is- go to the store and buy yourself some nice containers, preferably with dividers. It just makes life easier. The next thing I tell people to do is get a set of measuring cups and a food scale. People might think a food scale is going a bit too far, but the only thing I weigh is my protein ( ie meats). I was logging 4 oz of protein per meal but i was actually short changing myself on food and only getting like 2-3oz.

So what was my (small) haul for this week?

Not a huge load of food- I already had alot of stuff at the house. 

 Lean turkey, sliced carrots and some low fat ranch for dipping, eggs (cause I eat SO many of them), red and black beans, I am going to try the Starkist Chicken Creations and see if I like them, Chicken in individually wrapped packets, Special K cereal (the chocolate kind), and some frozen meals.

Hard boiled eggs are my favorite breakfast and a great source of protein. I also like to have them as a snack too! It is so easy to peel and eat one at my desk or out at the festival.
All in All not a lot of food but these are some staples of my current diet rotation. The Sparkling Ice's are a great break from straight water and have 0 calories.

I made 4oz. turkey burgers and added 1/4 slice of Havarti cheese on top. 
So I generally only prep meals for the week and not long term prepping for later meals. I have these turkey burgers and some mushrooms I cooked, and I might throw in some carrots as a snack for the mid afternoon. I usually like to eat my cereal for breakfast and get some carbs in before the gym or later after dinner if I have some extra room in my calorie budget for the day as a sweet treat. I have an enormous sweet tooth and the Special K Chocolate Delight is my favorite filling go to.

Some people comment on the fact that I buy frozen meals and meal prepping purists tend to frown on that sort of thing but I think it is smart to have options on hand that can be made with very little time to spare. Sometimes you come home after a long day and you don't want to cook a meal- don't want to break out the pans and wash them. Or, conversely, there are mornings when I am not bouncing out of bed and I might have forgotten to get my prepped meal from the fridge before rushing out the door so I usually keep an extra one at the office!

If you have any questions about meal prepping or my rotation of foods- feel free to comment and ask!


  1. I eat eggs EVERY day! You would think I would be tired of them by now but I'm not. Thank you for sharing this!

    1. I know! I eat them every day too, I really do love them. IDK what I will do if I ever stop. lol


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