
Showing posts from May, 2019

Link between Teasing about Weight and Disordered Eating/Poor Health Habits

Hi there all! I just read this great article about the link between childhood teasing about weight and life long issues with obesity. Check out this article here: In my own personal experience I can tell you that the teasing and bullying I endured as a child left me with deep mental and emotional scars around body image, weight, food, and more. It has touched every part of my life- my self esteem, my judgement, the way in which I deal with my problems, my relationships. There are some people in this world who believe that "bullying is part of human nature" or that it "builds character" that I say....bullshit.

Things I wish I had known about losing 100 Lbs.

Well- here it is! I can't tell you how many articles and Youtube videos and other media I consumed on my journey about "what to expect" or "things I wish someone would have told me". Part of it was highly motivational, like hey if they can do it then so can I! Some of it was out of a morbid curiosity of what might happen to me and my body. I want to help other people with their journeys and honestly I never saw myself writing this kind of blog post, it never crossed my mind (not because I didn't think I could do it, but because I was so focused in the moment of my weight loss that it really didn't occur to me). I don't want to focus on only positive or negative things either- I don't want to scare the crap out of people but I also don't want to paint an unrealistic view of the whole thing - like it was a breeze- without further ado- Top 3 NEGATIVE things I wish I would have known about losing 100 Lbs.: 1. Things peopl...

Getting back to GVT- aka the soreness is real

Saturday's post workout flex shot. Hullo all! Today's blog post is going to be about embracing the suckiness of getting back on plan, specifically onto my German Volume Training,  how the first week back has really been. in my favorite workout shirt- Barbell Barbie AKA THE SORENESS IS REAL. Omg yall. Real talk time- I am so sore right now I can not lift my arms higher than my head. My triceps are screaming at me, and no matter the amount of ibuprofen and stretching I have tried seems to be helping. My first week back on GVT was rough. Two arm days and one leg day, plus two days of steady cardio are contributing to my struggles. Arm day one was not bad- bench press was my main movement and I had a little soreness but it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. My one leg day was the hardest to get through- My squats have suffered from lack of practice- I was stiff and my depth was not there. My stamina was also super sad and I couldn't finish all ...

A New Approach to Health

This is something I have been thinking about for some time. Health in our culture has become synonymous with "thinness" and the hashtag of #selfcare- meaning buying bath-bombs and face masks for yourself. I'm not saying those things are not important or helpful, but that those things don't really connect with the real meaning of the word Health. True health, meaning a sense of overall wellness, has a variety of meanings. I have, like so many people, been focused only on the physical and mental parts of my weight-loss journey. I have narrowed my focus into just one aspect of overall wellness; and to be honest it is where I needed to start. Now that I am out of therapy (yay!) and have maintained my goal weight for more than six months (double yay) it is time for me to re-examine my view on my overall wellness and well being. How exactly am I doing that? So glad you asked! There are a few steps to this process: 1. Maintain my weight and healthy active lifesty...

Welcome Back To This Blog

Hello everyone (are you still there?) I wouldn't be surprised if you weren't. I just looked at the last post of this blog which was all the way back in Jan.! I have to be brutally honest with all of you. I think you deserve that, and so do I. There are quite a few reasons why this blog has fallen by the wayside and in the interest of being upfront, open, is the list of reasons why this blog became for a time at least- abandoned. 1. Work got busy: We all know that winter is usually a bit slower (unless you work in retail) and at the end of Jan. things at my job spiked. I was quickly getting buried under my workload and I had side projects plus my every day work to get done, which I did cause ya girl is a boss ass b*tch. 2. I started dating someone- Hi honey! Everyone will tell you that your life's priorities will eventually change when you seriously start seeing someone, and they do. There isn't anything wrong with that, as long as that is what YOU...