Welcome Back To This Blog

Hello everyone (are you still there?) I wouldn't be surprised if you weren't. I just looked at the last post of this blog which was all the way back in Jan.! I have to be brutally honest with all of you. I think you deserve that, and so do I. There are quite a few reasons why this blog has fallen by the wayside and in the interest of being upfront, open, transparent...here is the list of reasons why this blog became for a time at least- abandoned.

1. Work got busy: We all know that winter is usually a bit slower (unless you work in retail) and at the end of Jan. things at my job spiked. I was quickly getting buried under my workload and I had side projects plus my every day work to get done, which I did cause ya girl is a boss ass b*tch.

2. I started dating someone- Hi honey! Everyone will tell you that your life's priorities will eventually change when you seriously start seeing someone, and they do. There isn't anything wrong with that, as long as that is what YOU want.

3. GVT: That shit is hard, and I honestly got burnt out after 8 weeks. Due to some miscommunications with my trainer I was under the impression that I would just keep doing GVT until June- there was no way that was going to happen. I got to week 8 and I could barely lift anything- even super light weights. After such an intense 8 weeks- I felt like I never wanted to look at a barbell again.

4. Therapy/Health: Well here is a big one- As of this month I am no longer in therapy for my eating disorder, which is good news! There were also some health scares that challenged me as well- mostly having to do with hormone levels (read estrogen) and my Thyroid. Trying to focus on my actual health and wellness lead me to leave this blog aside.

5. Impostor Syndrome: This is one that I think anyone really feels. I don't feel like I am worthy to sit here and preach to people about their health- especially when I feel like I am not striving for 100 percent of my best at all times! Yes, I have lost alot of weight- yes I have maintained that weight loss for a significant time period (almost 9 months), but am I really "inspiring"? The jury is still out.

6. Focusing on Other Parts of my Life: There have been so many different things going on in my life in the last five months, things I felt like I should have gotten a handle on by the age of 29. I have recently started working on my personal finances and will probably make a post about that itself.

So here I am my powerful people, back at it, working on myself and my life- I have started another round of GVT with my BF this time, I am trying to manifest the life I want for myself, and keep my sanity at the same time.

Thank you all for sticking with me.


  1. Replies
    1. AWWW thank you! Honestly I think you are the only one who reads it anyway! hahaha


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