An Open Letter....

Dear, well, everyone really.... This is my open letter to you all about something which I am of two minds about. I can definitely see both sides and yet can not help my feelings about both sides. I am writing to tell you that your opinions on my body are unhelpful, unnecessary, and above all unwarranted. Simple as that. I don't need or want you to comment on my body or the changes I have made, positive or negative...your comments on my body are unwelcome. Now, some of you seem to be of the mind that there is no such thing as a bad compliment, or that your role as my friend or my family allows you some measure of an opinion on my physical state. Guess what, it doesn't. There are only 3 people in this world who get to tell me things about my body- who get to comment on the state of my plan- who get to tell me I am doing things the right or the wrong way....those are Myself (first and foremost),My Doctor, and My Therapist. If you aren't...