Finally Figuring Sh*t out.

Hi there all!

I'm so glad to be back writing today- I feel so recharged and refreshed and for some reason like I have just come out of a fitness fog...I have a few updates for you though. First is, while I found some really amazing things in myself and in life while working with a life coach I have decided to not renew my monthly meetings with her. She is amazing and if you need a life coach you know who I would recommend but I really felt that I needed to use that time and energy in a new place- ie back into the gym.

I have refocused myself and my goals, and so far, my mind and my body have been on the same path for what feels like the first time in MONTHS. I have to keep reminding myself that progress isn't linear and that sometimes it is ok to take a break and not push yourself like crazy every week, ya know for the rest of your life. haha. But I happy to say that being back in the gym on a regular basis and lifting like I used to and eating on plan has made me feel so much better. I am honestly less anxious, less stressed, and more engaged in every day life than I have been for awhile.

 I started a new lifting program by Strong Strong Friends ( link to their site here: ) and I am loving it. This is a strength building, power-lifting focused, hypertrophy program that uses progressive overload as its main method. I have touted the virtues of Meg Squats on this blog before but I can tell you definitively that I absolutely love her Stronger By The Day program so far- it is only $8.00 per month and includes warm ups and video demos of the movements as well as exclusive video content that other people dont get. You honestly need to follow her right now if you arent!

I am so excited to train hard and see what kind of progress I am going to make!


  1. I'm excited to see where this new programming takes you!

    1. Me too girl! I was thinking about posting some of the workouts they are having me do!


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